Earning money is something that everyone is after these days. Everyone just wants to earn as much money as they can in the shortest possible time. From what I see, computer programmers are willing to learn any programming language if it is going to pay them a lot. Well, the truth is no programming language […]
Why using Cloud Storage is Recommended?
These days cloud storage is a boom in the information storage field. More and more companies are coming up with cloud storage services, free or paid. And today, in this article, I would like to discuss with you all the various reasons to use cloud storage in today’s expanding world of computers and internet. Well, […]
Ultimate Design Help Tool : A Must Use
Designers are often stuck on their mind about the various colors that they can use in their next design for their customer. Well, I agree that this is a very tedious task, but only when you do this on your own. If you have a helper with you, this might be a lot easy. Yes! […]
PHP vs ASP.NET : A comparison
When it comes to server-side scripting, programmers generally get confused over the language they should use to solve the problem in front of them. They mainly debate upon whether to use PHP or ASP.NET. Well, each of these languages has its own plus point, or down point as some people might think and here I […]
How to Install Turbo C on Windows 7 and Windows 8
Turbo C or Turbo C++ is a MS DOS based IDE for C and C++ languages. MS DOS might be outdated, but this IDE is still in use. Most 0f the schools and colleges in India still teach their students on Turbo C. It is considered to be an easy to use and understand IDE […]