Creating an idea for a project is one of the most tough jobs. Deciding on what thing to do that would help people, or in turn just earn money for some people is very difficult. Despite these facts, there a few tips that you can keep in mind to create a top selling idea in your field of business.
Be aware that creating this idea today, will not make you rich overnight. Success is never achieved over night. You need to be patient and give time to the idea you believe in. People will ultimately realise the power of that idea over time, and your simple idea would become a top selling idea in the market.
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Without any further ado, let me start listing out points for you to follow for creating your next top selling idea.
#1 Think of yourself as the end-user
Before you start creating an idea that you want to convert into a top selling idea, think of yourself as the end-user and think what one feature or product would you want to see. A thing that you will probably use every now and then. It could be as simple as a calculator for some specific thing, or as complicated as a private social networking website. It all depends on you, and the way you want to sell that idea.
#2 Improvise on an Existing Top Selling Idea
Another thing that you can do is look for an idea that is going crazy in your field of expertise. Next, think of a few features that you might want to see in that application. Now just bundle those new features with the already existing idea, and you would be good to go for the time being. You can consider this tip as fool-proof as the idea that you are improving on is already popular and selling like crazy in the market.
#3 Research for problems that others face
A not-so creative idea is to look up in forums and other places, where people post their problems. If you see that a lot of people are facing a similar kind of problem, you can think of a way to create a solution for that, and in-turn turn that idea in to a top selling ideal. This approach is not the one in which you would require to use a lot of brain since you are just solving problems that others have listed to you.
#4 Target a specific person or business with your idea
If you know of someone who could benefit from your idea, approach them via a simple email and try to convince them as to why your idea would benefit their business. For this tip, you need to actually do a thorough research on the person or business that you are targeting. The reason to have a thorough research is because when you know completely about that person, that is the only time when you would be able to know the points that you can highlight to them, that would be beneficial to them.
If you follow these tips, and the tutorial on how to brainstorm yourself for new ideas, you are definitely going to create a top selling idea. If you missed that post, go ahead and read it. (Tips to Brainstorm for new Project ideas)
These were a few tips and tricks that I have used personally to create a few top selling ideas in the past. These tips and tricks do work today as well, and will always continue to work. You can call them “Evergreen tips” for creating the top selling idea ever. If you have some other tips for others, I would love to hear them in the comments section down below. Don’t forget to subscribe to Slash Coding for latest post updates via RSS Feeds, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.